It’s a well-worn but welcome roleplaying game trope that adventurers gather before quests in a colorful tavern full of shady characters, intrigue at every table, and a bard strumming a lute in the corner. This iconic setting is something that the team behind Ashes of Creation wants to get right with its upcoming game.
So what will the Ashes of Creation tavern offer? Aside from purchasable food and drink, a private chat space, customizable music, rentable rooms, battle maps on tables, parlor games, and (of course) rested experience. The team said that the latter is important to put butts in the chairs and “keep you socializing with your fellow players and to enjoy the amenities tavern owners provide.”
Taverns will also serve as a launchpad for quests: “Taverns foster adventure in a few ways, one large part being the bulletin board. The bulletin board, quests can be posted here and completed too. If a tavern owner needs supplies they can post quests, others can also purchase space in order to post quests as well.”
Meanwhile, check out the team engaging in all sorts of Halloween nonsense — and perhaps spot a few development Easter eggs on their screens!