Cross-platform MMORPG Villagers & Heroes has a new patch out this week just in time for Christmas. It heralds the return of Grintcha’s Lair. “This wintery wonderland event zone, where cheery quests, deadly battles, jolly gifts, and much more, awaits all those who seek a festive good time and some very plump rewards,” says Mad Otter.
The patch also rolls out the auction house to Android players, pulling them further into the game’s PC ecosystem.
As MOP reader Kherova reminded us, V&H intended to launch on iOS this past fall, a season you might notice ends in just a few days. It’s clearly not going to make that goal, but the studio says it’s still working on it all the same.
“While we can understand your disappointment because our iOS client is still under development, we can assure you are wrong that our iOS client has NOT been shelved,” the studio wrote a month ago. “We are working on it every day and we hope to have it ready in the foreseeable future. With only a very small development team (that has also produce content updates for our existing players while working on the iOS version simultaniously), the iOS version might take us longer than you (and also we) have liked, but we are working as fast as we can to bring V&H to a iPhone near you very soon!”