It must take an awful lot of work and vision to create a believable game world, especially if said world is completely alien to what we know here on Earth. The Project Genom team continues to forge forward with this task, expanding the world with every rock, river, and road.
This week’s newsletter revealed that another facet that is under construction is an improved chat system that includes personal messages and local chat channels. Players can now avail themselves of a new transport service in the starting area, scope out some monkey-like critters, and enjoy more lore involving the Gunars.
Then there’s this: “We’ve added the first Almer transmitter. In addition to the plot one, such transmitters will be hidden in some parts of the world, and if found, they can bring a lot of benefits to the players. Or kill them.”
Thinking about trying your hand at this early access title? One player put together a starter guide to get you up and running as smoothly as possible. Check it out below!