Ship of Heroes’ latest newsletter is here, and it’s all about the escorted combat alpha due to begin later this month.
“The combat alpha will consist of a series of escorted alpha tours,” Heroic Games explains. “In each tour, 2-3 devs will form a team with 3-4 of our donors, supporters, and members of the press. Together, we’ll run through the Science Park area of Apotheosis City and fight a series of enemy mobs. We’ll be recording, and possibly livestreaming, during at least one run.”
The devs note that the scenarios aren’t balanced for launch play but instead are meant to test how combat feels, which means extending the fights. In fact, the designers have been owned in their own play. “We do not expect ordinary combat in SoH to be as challenging as these fights, and we’re considering doing some runs at an easier difficulty that would represent street-sweeping rather than a boss rush,” says the team. Likewise, don’t expect powerset balance to be finished yet either.
We’ve tucked all the pics down below; you can read the complete newsletter on the official site.