Closers unveils its first new character, Nata

Not so close.
[AL:Clo]It’s time for a new member of the team to take the field in Closers, and the first new addition to the game’s playable roster isn’t exactly happy to be here. Apparently Nata is part of a rogue group, the Wolfdogs, who were just drafted without a whole lot of thought given to “do you want to fight stuff or not.” But he’s also got a pair of spinning blades and the requisite energy eruptions in the midst of combat, so it would seem that he has at least found his vocation.

Players can also look forward to upcoming community events to vote on the next heroes getting added to the game, because why be satisfied with what you have when you could have even more? The next vote will be between Tina and Harpy for a new playable addition. If Nata already sounds like all you want or need, you can check out screenshots of him in action just below.

Source: En Masse Entertainment press release
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