Yesterday Blizzard Watch’s Anne Stickney penned a wee piece on crafting in World of Warcraft whose title just grabbed me. “Are you still crafting items in WoW?” My brain read it as “are you still crafting items in a game that hates crafters? What kind of dummy are you?” And that’s because as Anne points out, WoW has had a tradeskill problem for a really long time. Blizzard has always seen crafting as supplementary at best, never a core game feature, never a system that should ever threaten the “real” game content. WoW is not the MMORPG you play if you’re serious about Being A Crafter. Which is one of the reasons I haven’t felt tempted to go back to it since I bowed out during the hot mess that was Draenor – there are way too many games out there catering to crafter types like me.
The saddest part is that even then, WoW’s is far from the worst crafting system around. I bet you can think of worse. Which MMORPG has the most useless crafting system?