All right. Let’s walk back through this. Pokemon Go holds an event in Dortmund, Germany. Because this is Pokemon Go, the event hits technical snags, which at this point is more of a theme for the game than catching things or gym battles. But once the game works again, people get to enjoy things like catching the elusive Corsola, normally available only around the equator. To apologize for the technical issues, Niantic promises to add a limited-time event wherein everyone in Europe can catch… Corsola.
You know, the rare monster that was made accessible during the event, which many people traveled to Dortmund for and caught several of just to make for rare trades.
Needless to say, players are rather unhappy about the fact that the apology for technical hiccups at the start of the event is to make the entire event what amounts to an expensive waste of time. There were, of course, other incentives for the trip, but many players are understandably upset about this form of compensation for attendees and non-attendees alike. Based on the current track record, we expect Niantic to compensate for this new misstep by blowing up everyone’s phones.