Hey, you guys remember that time that City of Heroes accidentally pushed all of the game’s assets and source code into a patch, then tried to sneakily wipe it from players’ computers before they realized what had happened? Neither do we, but according to an email sent to the Giant Bomb podcast, it totally did.
According to an anonymous former Cryptic employee who wrote into the show, the devs once accidentally dropped a patch that included all of the game’s files, including the original 3D Studio Max files and the game’s source code, and they only realized their mistake once players started complaining about the size of the download. They quickly rectified the situation and pushed out a new patch that would remove the accidentally-downloaded assets from players’ computers, but apparently one player got wise to what had happened and stored all the files away in a secure location, earning him- or herself a call from Cryptic’s CEO.
Although the player in question presumably deleted the contraband files, for all we know, maybe they’re still stashed away on a hard drive somewhere, ready to be turned into a fully functioning private server. We can dream, right? For the full story, as well as similar tale involving the now-defunct Lego Universe, you can check out the Giant Bombcast video below — the relevant section begins around 2:30:00.