Blizzard job postings reveal new unannounced project


Some new job postings on Blizzard’s careers site seem to suggest that the World of Warcraft and Overwatch creator has something big in the works. Rock Paper Shotgun reports that the studio’s careers site has recently been updated with a slew of postings for major positions on an unannounced project. RPS points out that the posting for a Senior Level Designer asks applicants for proficiency in “world building from conception to the final stages of polish,” which means the mystery game is likely being built from absolute scratch. Other postings highlighted by RPS mention “a robust first-person engine” and “a beautiful and visceral core combat experience,” which seems to point toward a first-person action title of some sort.

Other, perhaps less enlightening details include a posting for a Lead Level Designer position that asks applicants to have a “passion for action games on console or PC” and, completely inexplicably and apropos of nothing, a posting for a Senior Software Engineer that lists under the “Pluses” section, “You are not afraid of bears, instead you treat them with the respect, dignity and caution that they deserve.” Yeah, we don’t know either. Nevertheless, this unannounced project joins the ranks of Blizzard’s other much-speculated-about in-development titles, including an unannounced mobile game and a new Diablo project. There’s no telling when we’ll hear any official details about this mystery project, but we’ll be sure to keep you posted whenever we find out anything new, which we’re sure will be Soon™.

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