At this year’s BlizzCon, we got our first look at the upcoming Hearthstone expansion, Rastakhan’s Rumble, which centers around the Trolls of Azeroth and their mighty Loa. Yesterday, Lead Mission Designer Dave Kosak sat down for a hearthside chat to give players a look at the lore behind Rastakhan’s Rumble and preview a few of the cards that they can look forward to getting their hands on when the expansion launches.
For those not up-to-date on their Warcraft lore, the premise behind Rastakhan’s Rumble is pretty straightforward: Once every generation, the various Troll tribes of Azeroth gather at Gurubashi Arena for a grand melee to determine which tribe’s Loa — a guardian spirit, of sorts — is the greatest of them all. Nine tribal teams will be represented in Rastakhan’s Rumble, each with its own unique cards that embody the powers of that tribe’s Loa.
In the video, Kosak highlights one of the teams, Bwonsamdi’s Zombies. Led by its champion, Princess Talanji — daughter of Rastakhan himself — this team features cards centered around Bwonsamdi’s role as the Loa of death. With the Spirit of the Dead card on the field, whenever a friendly minion dies, a one-cost copy of that minion is shuffled back into the player’s deck. It’s a strong card on its own, but it really shines when combined with Bwonsamdi himself — a legendary card — which allows his controller to draw one-cost minions from the deck until his or her hand is full, bringing back the spirits of the dead for one last encore. You can take a look at the new cards and get all the details on Rastakhan’s Rumble in the official hearthside chat video below.