Every year for the last many years, we’ve done some sort of award for the most underrated MMO, or even the year’s sleeper hit. It’s one of my favorites because it always bypasses the big games that win everything and allow some smaller games or older games the space to win. Ours was a tie between LOTRO and MapleStory 2 this year.
And every year, no matter what we choose, someone will pipe up and say that it’s actually highly overrated. But is it really? We’re gonna find out: Let’s take it to the polls to determine just what was the most overrated MMO of 2018!
Leaderboard: What was the most overrated MMO of 2018?
- World of Warcraft (31%, 243 Votes)
- Elder Scrolls Online (9%, 68 Votes)
- Black Desert (11%, 83 Votes)
- Guild Wars 2 (5%, 39 Votes)
- Final Fantasy XIV (5%, 42 Votes)
- Star Wars The Old Republic (1%, 7 Votes)
- Lord of the Rings Online (3%, 23 Votes)
- EVE Online (1%, 8 Votes)
- ArcheAge (1%, 8 Votes)
- Path of Exile (1%, 11 Votes)
- Warframe (3%, 24 Votes)
- Blade and Soul (1%, 8 Votes)
- Elite Dangerous (0%, 2 Votes)
- Star Trek Online (0%, 3 Votes)
- TERA (0%, 2 Votes)
- Neverwinter (1%, 4 Votes)
- DC Universe Online (0%, 1 Votes)
- RuneScape (1%, 7 Votes)
- Star Citizen (15%, 115 Votes)
- Project Gorgon (1%, 8 Votes)
- Destiny 2 (4%, 32 Votes)
- Secret World Legends (1%, 6 Votes)
- Worlds Adrift (1%, 8 Votes)
- Nothing (2%, 17 Votes)
- Something else (tell us in the comments!) (2%, 13 Votes)
Total Voters: 652