Snowbound or bored this weekend and looking for something new to do? Breach arrived on Steam early access yesterday, bringing with it an interesting blend of MMO design, co-op dungeon crawling, and third-person action.
The conceit of Breach is that an alternate dimension full of mythical creatures is bleeding over into ours, and we’ve got to stop it. In a cool twist, players can elect to take on the role of a Veil Demon class to play as the antagonist against a hero squad in the 4v1 dungeons.
“It was really important that when we entered early access, Breach would be both a very refined gameplay experience and something gamers haven’t played before,” said QC Games CEO Dallas Dickinson in a press release.
While Breach will eventually be free-to-play when it launches later this year, right now you do have to pay at least $25 to get into the early access test. Earlier this week, the game’s development team outlined its 2019 roadmap which included new maps, classes, and the eventual launch.