The PUBG plane seems to have flown a little off course, as air drops have started landing all over the world of TERA. It can only mean one thing, of course: The bizarre TERA–PUBG crossover event is live, bringing with it a full month of “in-game events, PUBG-themed loot, and cosmetic rewards” to En Masse Entertainment’s action-combat MMORPG.
[AL:TERA]From today until April 5th, TERA players on all platforms can make their way to Northern Arun to do battle with PUBG-themed enemies and hunt for air-drops containing unique event rewards, including Battle Points that can be spent to purchase “permanent PUBG-themed cosmetics and an array of helpful event consumables.” But watch out — that air-drop might just be a trap filled with vicious popori hoping to ambush their unsuspecting, loot-hungry victims.
In addition to earning them from air-drops, players can also accrue Battle Points “by logging in for at least one hour each day and completing dungeons or battling bosses in the open world.” But keep an eye on the clock; the special PUBG-flavored enemies spawn for only two hours each day, so be sure to get to killin’ while the killin’s good.
Source: Press Release, Xbox Wire