Astroneer launches its summer update with new equipment and QOL tweaks

It's summer somewhere in the galaxy

And the living is easy, sure.

The summer has officially arrived in Astroneer, or at least an update to coincide with summer. You could land on a planet and find that it’s in the depths of winter, after all. But it’s summer here on our planet in the northern hemisphere, and that means it’s time to celebrate with a new Recreational Sphere! It’s a chance to get out and have some fun, possibly in the sun. You might be on a planet where direct sunlight melts steel, in which case the sun is a bad idea.

The update also contains other new things to build, like floodlights, platforms, and storage silos. There are also new mutant seeds for players to harvest, new palettes and visors themed for the season gifted to players who log in before August 31st, and a variety of quality-of-life improvements. Check out the patch trailer just below and the full list of changes in the official patch notes.

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