Old School RuneScape ponders partnerships and puts it to a player poll


Old School RuneScape is, in its own words, “resolutely a subscription-only game,” and as it’s subscription-only game, one of the biggest things the devs have to consider is ways to drum up interest and draw in new players. Part of this recruitment drive has been partnerships like those with Twitch, but now the folks at OSRS are taking a moment to meditate on partnerships going forward and will be opening a poll to ask players what sort of things should be added in future partner deals.

The blog goes out of its way to not only outline the rationale behind entering partnerships but also explain that the cosmetic items being offered in these deals are not intended as a gateway drug to microtransactions:

“…everyone at Jagex, including the CEO himself, is in agreement that we will not add any MTX to Old School RuneScape. We understand that doing so would completely contradict the spirit of what has made Old School a success.”

The current proposed poll questions also try to make sure that the cosmetic items offered for partnerships don’t otherwise undermine cosmetics players earn themselves, recognizing that the pride of getting an item after a long in-game grind is sacrosanct. OSRS fans who are invested in this sort of discussion would do well to look over the dev blog and proposed poll.

Jagex has already canceled the poll over all the negative feedback. Yikes.
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