As I’ve stated on many occasions, I have no interest in progression content in MMOs. I know from plenty of experience doing it that I’m fully capable of taking part in it, but I don’t want to anymore and thus eschew it. But despite that fact, I tend to work really hard on mastering my rotation, building and gearing my characters properly, and otherwise developing the muscle memory necessary to still play at that level. It’s an element of personal pride, that I know what I’m doing and demonstrate that fact by doing it well.
This is not a feeling I expect everyone to mirror; there are a lot of people who either have no interest in progression content and play with a level that is consistent with that desire, or players who are into progression content but play at a lower level when they’re not actively in the middle of progression content. Both of these approaches make sense. So today I ask how that ties in with your own personal experiences, dear readers. How much does personal performance matter to you in an MMO? Do you take a more relaxed attitude toward your performance, do you work hard to be the best you can for PvP or PvE, or do you fall somewhere in the middle?