Ingredients: 1 refrigerated pie crust, 6 large eggs, 3/4 cup of whole milk, 3/4 teaspoon salt, 1/4 teaspoon black pepper, 1 1/2 cups shredded cheese, 1 cup chopped ham, 1 cup broccoli
- Preheat the oven to 375 degrees.
- Break eggs into a large mixing bowl, whisking together the milk, salt, eggs, and pepper.
- Wait, hold on, I screwed that up. You should have rolled out the pie crust first. Roll out the pie crust, leave the bowl to one side for the moment.
- What do you mean you don’t know how to roll out a pie crust?
- Fine, I’ll show you. Where’s your pie dish?
- How do you not have a pie dish? You’ve lived in this house for four years!
- Well if you knew you didn’t have a pie dish, why did you want us to make a quiche?
- Why would you think you could make this with a cookie sheet?!
- This is why things always go wrong for you, Mark! This is exactly why!
- No, you can’t just put the mixing bowl in the oven!
- We are breaking up!
- I mean it this time!
- Optionally, top with a light sprinkling of parmesan cheese. Serves 2-4 people.
- Answer What Are You Playing.
Bonus question: What bad habit are you proudest of breaking?
Andy McAdams: At this point, I’ve no idea. I’ll probably poke my head into Final Fantasy XIV and continue the grind for some Allied Races in World of Warcraft; I also just downloaded Dauntless to give it a whirl because why not?
Bonus question: Procrastinating (most of the time); I adopted the Bullet Journal method and it changed the way that I work and I get tons more accomplished with less stress.
Brianna Royce (@nbrianna, blog): Probably some Star Wars Galaxies Legends this weekend. I’d originally wanted to muck around elsewhere, but there’s been a huge run on my chef vendor this week, so I need to do some major cooking to restock. Some dude came through and bought like 14 crates of Chandad this week. It’s gonna last him like 500 hours of playtime. I know I’m not the only chef out there people, and my prices aren’t rock-bottom. I dunno where all these buyers keep coming from, but it’s awesome.
What bad habit are you proudest of breaking? I mostly broke myself of tearing my nails by getting obsessed with nail polish and painting them. Now to break myself of wanting to collect all the colors.
Carlo Lacsina (@UltraMudkipEX): Insane beginning of the school year for me, so it’s been busy. This weekend, I’ll probably be playing Teamfight Tactics. I just got hooked on it. Kinda weird how I’m playing a League of Legends game, but stranger things have happened.
I think the bad habit I’m most proud of breaking is seeing something as inherently negative. I’m still working on it, it can get pretty tough, but I get more fun out of something when I see the glass as half full
Chris Neal (@wolfyseyes, blog): I am a fool. I thought I could hop right in to the latest trials in Dauntless, but it turns out I have to first do several quests to get to them, so that will definitely be a priority. I’ll also be doing the usual RP shenanigans in FFXIV as well as probably do a bit of Star Trek Online.
I don’t really know that I’ve utterly broken any bad habits, but I have at least tried to lessen a few. I suppose one of them would be less drinking. I still like beer and whatnot, but I’ve learned to like styles of beer and different tastes instead of trying ti get rip-roaring drunk. I guess that’s as close to a broken habit as I’m likely to get.
Eliot Lefebvre (@Eliot_Lefebvre, blog):Still plugging away at leveling in Final Fantasy XIV, as I do; other than that, though, I’m slowly picking at games in my backlog and playing through them. I actually had Destiny 2 after last year’s BlizzCon promotion! Turns out that I needed about two hours to be done, so… yeah, not doing the account migration there.
A lot of the stuff that pops into my head as bad habits has more to do with forming good habits instead, but one of the absolutely most valuable habits I broke was to stop treating “wrong” like something that needs to be corrected in my spare time. I wrote at the start of the year how one of the most valuable things you can learn is to make your points and stop talking, and it’s honestly made my life a lot better to just recognize that I can just walk away from debate when it’s not going anywhere.
Mia DeSanzo (@neschria): I have a class that has just started that I need to catch up on already, so I will be playing ArcGIS. I hope to get in a little bit of Riders of Icarus and/or something new. Maybe Pagan Online or Dauntless. If I finish my assignments quickly so that I have a lot of spare time, I will also look for a solution to a glitch in the Miraak questline in Skyrim. I am on the very last part, but I can’t interact with my subdued dragon.
I am proudest of breaking the habit avoiding scary or unpleasant things that I have to do. Life is better when you do what needs to be done when it needs to be done instead of dragging things out.
Samon Kashani (@thesamkash): It’s been a long time coming but I think I might actually finish the Guild Wars 2 Skyscale quest this weekend. It’s been brutal, ugly, and overall reduced my desire to even play the game but I can see the light. All I have left is to visit some locations… I think. Also plan on playing Legends of Aria or Crowfall, we’ll see.
Perhaps the best habit I broke was being too shy and overthinking about what others thought of me. Be yourself and don’t worry about it!
Tyler Edwards: For the last several months I’ve been designing a tabletop RPG as a hobby, and the first playtest is scheduled for Monday with my friends, so I’m scrambling to finish that up. Not sure what I’ll do with whatever time is leftover. Perhaps more Anthem, or maybe some StarCraft II co-op. Haven’t played that for a while.
Bonus question: Stigmatizing mental illness. I spent most of my life holding a viciously negative view of anyone with mental health issues (including but not limited to myself), but in the last few years I’ve met some really good and inspiring people who also happen to struggle with their mental health, and it made me realize that someone can have emotional scars and still be deserving of love and compassion.