There’s been a changing of the guard over in Conan Exiles world: Joel Bylos has left the creative director’s chair of the survival sandbox MMO, which is now being taken up by Alexander “Alex” Shumeyiko, the game’s former senior designer.
According to the stream recap, Alex’s promotion was mentioned before, but this recent stream is the first where he has been formally introduced as lead director. When asked about his feelings on the stream, he admitted that he’s nervous about taking the job even though he’s held the position a couple of times before. As for where Joel Bylos is, he’s still reportedly “hiding and busy with other stuff at Funcom.” Or, as Bylos’s own Twitter profile puts it, his current project is everything. MMO players will recall that Funcom has a number of new online games cooking, including a Dune title, which may be what Bylos is up to. Prior to his work on Conan, of course, Bylos was well known for his role on the Secret World franchise.
The rest of the livestream focused on a couple of new weapon types arriving to Conan Exiles with the Blood and Sands DLC as well as several updates to weapons, a new PvP flagging system, and new weapon oils and kits. Be sure to check the source link below for the synopsis or watch the stream in full in the embed.