It’s launch week for yet another mobile MMO. Second Galaxy, however, is an open-world sci-fi MMO that may scratch a different itch for folks sick of fantasy loot-and-level grinders. China-based ZLONGAME says it had a million pre-registrations for the 3-D sandbox MMO and its EVE-like aspirations.
“At its core, Second Galaxy is truly an open-world sci-fi game where players are given a high degree of freedom stretching beyond 1,000 light-years and consisting of over 50,000 stars and 5,000 galaxies filled with wormholes, space stations, black holes, dark matter, and all manner of celestial bodies and man-made facilities to explore. By traversing through wormholes and reaching the unknown reaches of the universe, players can encounter numerous random events, some of which may lead to encounters with players who are on the same mission, thus forming new events. Much like the dauntingly vast sea of stars surrounding you, the scale of the gameplay possibilities to be explored in this game are truly astronomical.”
You can check out the game for free on Android and iOS right now.