The world of early access gaming still has a few surprises out there for us MMO players. One of these is the game Angeldust, which sounds like a sort of cyberpunk addictive substance but is actually a free-to-play sandbox MMO that lets players adventure in a large world and even swap between one of three visual motifs if they so desire.
Angeldust seems to want to put the “massive” in its massive scale, with an offering of over 25 different landscapes, over 450 building material types, and over 275 different creatures to defeat. In true sandbox fashion, Angeldust opens up its world for those who want to be builders or adventurers, with a building system that looks similar to a Minecraft or even Trove, daily quests to take on, and world bosses to defeat.
One of the game’s more unique features is the ability to shift the game’s look, from either a 3-D style, one that’s listed as “hand-painted,” or a 2-D “cartoon” style with hand-drawn flat sprites.
According to the Steam page blurb, Angeldust looks to be in early access for three to six months while the devs work to make the game, as their paraphrased words put it, “better than awesome.”