Drop in to a New World – Choose your landing spot and explore an all-new island featuring 13 locations.
New Water Gameplay – Swimming, Fishing, Motorboats, and more!
Support Your Squad – Heal your squad with the Bandage Bazooka, carry your fallen teammates to safety, and celebrate with new group emotes like high fives!
Hideouts and Explosives – Hide in Haystacks and Dumpsters to get the drop on your opponent or go in blazing by blowing up gas tanks and explosive barrels.
Upgraded Combat – Get back to basics and battle enemies with a streamlined weapon arsenal. Upgrade weapons using resources at the Upgrade Bench.
More Fun, Less Grind – Level through the all-new Chapter 2 – Season 1 Battle Pass with a brand new XP system and Medals you earn in match.
Worth noting is the mood over on the Save The World Fortnite Reddit, where the community is unhappy over Epic’s new roadmap for the co-op mode. Why? “You will notice this is a lighter update than usual for a ‘.00’ release for Save the World – we’re shifting to a less frequent cadence, but aiming for more meaningful updates as a result,” Epic writes. “This allows us to diverge from shipping features around Battle Pass launches and release them in a more polished state.”
The players seem unconvinced. “The game is back, BR got a massive flashy cut-scene that seamlessly transitioned in to game play; dozens of new features, skins reworked profile machanics,” one popular thread argues. “And STW got, for having the game cut off from them for a day and a half involuntarily… Literally a half hearted apology and a Hero Ticket.”