I dunno about you, but when my heavily customized UI stops working, I tend to want to just not play the MMO. That’s the struggle EverQuest II players are about to be facing, as Daybreak announced that it’ll be disabling custom UIs temporarily starting next week as the studio tries to isolate serious server lag.
Lest you think that this’ll be a good week to AFK, know that Daybreak wants players to play more instead to give it a proper test. “It is important to note that once this test is completed, we will be returning the lockout timers to their original length,” the devs write. “It is crucial that we have players in game and grouping/raiding during this time as we try to identify the cause of the lag we’ve been seeing lately. We will do our best to ensure the effect on gameplay is as minimal as possible.”
Players responding to the thread are less than enthusiastic about those prospects; custom UIs aren’t merely cosmetic in most MMOs, after all. “All raiding is challenge mode now,” EQWire quipped.
That said, Daybreak is promising some compensation and help.
“We will be awarding everyone (1) free lockout reset when the change goes active. This is a (1) use consumable that will reset all of your current lockout timers and will only be usable while this test is active. Keep in mind if you wish to enter a previously saved zone all members of your group or raid must have it reset in order to get a new zone. This short term change synergizes with the gear up level up double loot event, allowing participating raids to receive double rewards on a daily basis while this test is running. We will also be lowering all minimum lockouts on raid zones in Chaos Descending and Fabled Kael Drakkel to 18 hours instead of their normal 3 or 5 day lockouts.”
On Tuesday October 22nd, all custom UIs (including eq2maps) will be disabled from @everquestii for at least a week. All raiding is challenge mode now as the search for the cause of server lag continues. https://t.co/5DslI6ZHRE
— EQ2Wire (@EQ2Wire) October 16, 2019