In order to continue improving the game and “restore more global happiness” to the game’s community (their words, not ours), the devs of Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem are going to be diverting their immediate plans for future updates away from adding new stuff and in to improving what’s in-game already in an effort that’s being dubbed Operation: Second Dawn. Readers will recall that this focus on improvement was mentioned before in an interview, but the devs have now decided to share just what the next four months will focus on.
Operation: Second Dawn involves working with an external QA team to better spot issues, improving the third chapter of the story to make its pace and gameplay encounters more appealing, adding quality-of-life features like rebinding left-click, localization quality and clarity, and a Gate of Fates search function among other features, balancing changes to make less-played skills better, and improvements to the game’s servers for better coverage, server capacities, and efficiency. The devs also promise better communication, moving away from Discord and towards more open sources like Reddit and the official forums along with updates to the forums themselves to make them more user friendly.
As for what’s next, Wolcen will go back to adding features to the game such as the Diablo III Seasons-like League and new story chapters among other things. Until then, the team has some work to do.
Incidentally, if you’re among those invested in what’s happening with Wolcen, then you might want to take a peek at our latest Not So Massively column, which digs in to the ARPG’s builds and endgame.