World of Warcraft shows even more flexibility with its essence system

Fine, whatever.

We all know that getting Blizzard to be flexible is like slathering Bengay onto your arthritic grandparent and urging them to join you in calisthenics. Yet sometimes the old timer will surprise you, as evidenced by the studio’s recent pivot away from its very alt-unfriendly essence system to something that works with how players actually engage with World of Warcraft.

Six jumping jacks, two deep knee-lunges, and a swift hula-hoop motion later, and Blizz is limbering up even more. The studio just made a “significant update” to the Echoes of Ny’alotha system to allow for more role flexibility with players and their alts. “With this change, we’ve lifted the restrictions on acquiring role-specific Azerite Essences from MOTHER,” the studio said. “Now, the various ways that you obtain Rank 3 tanking, healing, or damage-specific Essences are now grouped together.”

This allows players to play whatever role they want to while beign able to purchase off-role essences. And since those essences are now unlocked account-wide, it’s a win for everyone — except for Blizzard’s aching joints.

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