One thing I’m particularly proud of is that the MOP staff and MMO community – then on old Massively – were waaaaay out in front of some of the big trends we’ve seen in the last few years. For example, we saw lockboxes coming a million years ago (and longer still before the industry rebranded them as lootboxes), and we called them out way back then too.
But back in 2010, I definitely didn’t anticipate overt MMO publisher RMT becoming so widespread and accepted; that was only a year or two after companies like Mythic were cracking down so hard on RMT that cheers went up on the server every time a goldseller was publicly banned in Warhammer Online. So it still takes me by surprise that people aren’t much more mad about it now, that the resistance to it crumbled so fast when publishers realized they could profit by simply taking the business over. The anger for it in mobile games is still pervasive, but in MMOs, now people just shrug.
Is there an MMO paradigm shift you didn’t see coming a decade ago?