Yesterday’s big Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis announcement left pretty much everyone confused about what exactly it is. A do-over? An expansion? A completely new standalone game that inexplicably bears the “2” name?
SEGA has finally addressed the confusion over the issue and explained that New Genesis is a “massive update” launching for PSO2 after episode 6, in lieu of another episode. But it’s also a standalone product that will run alongside PSO2, in that you can play both and even “hop between” both using your PSO2 account. The graphics are being heavily overhauled, and there are plenty of items and mechanics that won’t function over in PSO2:NG, so players are going to want to run-down the entire list of what doesn’t cross over.
“With the new graphics engine comes enhanced character models. In addition to the features present in the current character creation system, you’ll now have even more detailed options, like changing the luster of your character’s skin. Characters will also be able to move their fingers now! Furthermore, you’ll be able to wear more accessories — as well as change their locations—creating even more customized characters. Because PSO2: NGS’s character creation system is compatible with that of PSO2, players are free to decide which one they want to use. Finally, PSO2’s core graphics engine will also be overhauled, allowing you to use characters created with PSO2: NGS’s system within PSO2 as well. Naturally, ALL character creation info from PSO2 (including items linked to emotes and other previously registered data) will be compatible with PSO2: NGS!”
As noted yesterday, New Genesis will launch next year.