‘Tis the season of the next generation of consoles, which incidentally is also the season for a number of MMORPGs and multiplayer titles to get in on that backwards compatibility action as recent reporting has no doubt illustrated. Count Warframe among that number, then, as Digital Extremes has offered up some more details on what existing Tenno can take advantage of with the PS5 and Xbox Series X and S.
Of note is that backwards compatibility is not available just yet to PS5 players, while Xbox X/S players can play the current generation of Warframe on their shiny new consoles now, taking advantage of benefits like faster loading. It’s also important to note that cross-save migration from current console gen to next-gen is only for console players of each respective system, as there is no account migration from PC to console or vice versa. Still, there will be cross-play between current gen and next-gen players.
Speaking of the future of Warframe, a forum post has offered additional future plans for the shooter, including an extension of Nightwave Series 3: Glassmaker to the end of this year in order to grant next-gen players a chance to experience the content, and a public test of new Deimos Arcanes this weekend via Steam. Fans who want to add their name to the draw will want to follow these posted instructions, while more granular details on these new Arcanes are found here.