In what’s being touted as a part of ongoing “amazing” quality-of-life improvements to Shroud of the Avatar, the game’s newest newsletter is talking up the addition of more lights to player-owned towns. Yes, those who are stewards of cities and towns within the game world will now be able to generate more in-game lumens. Truly amazing.
Specifically, decorative light limits will increase for all town sizes by approximately 50%, with some town sizes even seeing double the light limits. The update is reportedly a recent addition to the developing MMORPG, so presumably, owners of towns in the game can now light up their land like a medieval fantasy version of the Vegas Strip if they so choose.
The addition of lights is effectively the major part of this week’s newsletter, beyond the usual nods to store items, vault items, and recent livestreams that took player questions as well as talked up Release 83 features like mounts and the Breach adventure scene.