The next update for League of Legends is adding a fresh face to its roster. A very angry face. A face that operates as a tank. But a fresh face all the same: Rell the Iron Maiden.
The newly announced character is a support role, but “support” here means that she’s extremely tanky, utilizing the power of ferromancy to fashion armor for herself, drain the armor of her foes, and even meld her armor into a steed. A rundown of Rell’s abilities offers a closer look at what she’s capable of and how switching from mounted to armored changes her attacks, while a design insight post offers more about Rell’s general backstory and how that played into her creation.
This new character is due to land with patch 10.25. As for how things in League are operating as of right now, Riot has penned some gameplay thoughts about pre-season and clarifying shop and item icons.