One of the most interesting bits of BlizzConline 2021 to me was the reveal of Diablo 2 Resurrected. Yes, the rumors had ensured we all knew it was coming, but I was still surprised at the extent of it. I suppose I expected it to be another rushed junker like Warcraft 3 Remastered, or maybe even just a rerelease with a little bit of resolution-polish. Instead, it’s a serious-business overhaul that might actually be worthy of its pricetag.
The fact that I ever doubted Blizzard on this is probably worth a column of its own sometime, but I digress. I loved the original D2 and find myself looking forward to this. Then again, I also liked Diablo III, so I’d probably just play anything with “Diablo” on it. Buuuuuuut not enough to preorder. (There’s only one game getting preorder money from me this year, and it’s not from Blizz! Bonus points if you can guess what it is.)
So how about you: Are you going to play Diablo 2 Resurrected? Are you looking forward to it enough to preorder?