How do you cope with the closing hours of an MMO as it shuts down? We all have a variety of answers to this question, but there’s a narrative-driven horror game that seeks to touch on a few of those feelings. It’s called Agony of a Dying MMO, a game that’s part of a bundle of indie horror games packed in the Haunted PS1 Demo Disc 2021 collection.
In Agony, the titular dying MMO is being shuttered after the developers introduced a playable Nazi faction that transformed the MMO’s community into a toxic cesspool, fracturing the community and driving people away. Players of Agony experience this MMO’s final moments from several different perspectives as they wrestle with the reality of their favorite title’s closure and a variety of other issues, as well as the search for Adam, a hidden NPC that supposedly grants ultimate power to anyone who finds him.
Gameplay in Agony appears to be very light, with most of the game experienced via voice-acted comms. Agony only has an alpha demo that’s playable currently, but you can get a look at said demo gameplay in the embed after the cut.