Like bees spying a honey buffet, Ashes of Creation fans are buzzing about this coming June’s non-NDA Alpha One test. In this month’s creative director’s letter, Intrepid Studios’ Steven Sharif updated followers on the development of this test — and how you might still gain access to it.
Sharif said that additional keys are likely to go on sale next month. “I am happy to announce that we will be reintroducing Alpha One options sometime in May,” he wrote. “More information on this will be posted to our website around the end of April.”
He did give very “stern warnings” that this test won’t be a game: “You will be seeing a work-in-progress, with bugs and still vast optimizations yet to be done. Additionally, many systems and features are still yet to be implemented or are done so in a very core fashion.” Sharif went on to say that there’s a good chance that sieges might make an appearance in the alpha thanks to hard work on the part of the devs.
In the meanwhile, the team is transitioning back to Intrepid’s relatively new studio for work, and Sharif revealed that there are plans to grow the team to around 150 people by the end of 2021.