It feels as if we’ve been covering Fallout 76’s Locked and Loaded patch for a really long time, and I guess it kinda has, since we knew the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. loadouts were supposed to have launched in March according to the post back in December when the feature was pegged to the roadmap, and we previewed the multi C.A.M.P.s all the way back in January. Regardless, the update is finally launching next week, which means it’s trailer time! Kidding, trailer time is not a real thing. But this trailer is.
Launch is popping on Tuesday, April 27th, with the promised loadouts, C.A.M.P. slots, new daily ops, the start of season 4, mannequins, and gobs more. In the meantime, you can enjoy a Caps-A-Plenty weekend, which is an event where Bethsoft hands out extra caps in exchange for your junk. That’s live already and runs through Monday at noon EDT.