With Neverwinter on the precipice of war and the legions of hell looking for strong souls to join their ranks, now seems as good a time as any for the game to invite players to see if they’re worthy with the Hell Pit event, which is coming back on Thursday, April 29th and running until Thursday, May 20th.
For those who missed out on the last time this event cropped up, the Hell Pit asks players to survive waves of enemies in arena combat, granting them the chance to try as many times as they like but succeed only once per day per account. Every seven successes ramp up the challenge of the Pit as well as the rewards, ultimately leading to a showdown with the Pit Champion. A minimum level of 80 and item level of 18,000 is required to enter, though characters that are at 20,000 item level and above will be scaled down.
Speaking of those rewards, players can rake in different Tokens that can be spent in different vendors. The first 14 days of the event will let players earn Tokens of Achievement that can be used to purchase things like a Golden Warhorse, while playing the event past that point grants players Tokens of Challenge that can be spent on things like overload enchants, and participating in the event offers Tokens of Participation, which are used to buy various enhancement items. All of the details have been outlined in the announcement post.