It’s been a little over a week since we’ve peeked in on the ever-growing library of SEED’s developer blogs, which means there’s another bulleted list of little updates and shares from developer Klang Games to run through. Let’s get it.
- First up, there’s a follow-up post about further “spring cleaning” including the removal of custom billboards and a temporary removal of player avatars in the interest of testing.
- Do you like buildings? Then this production post about urban building creation will be right up your alley. The alley that’s between two hyper-futuristic buildings, presumably.
- While Seedlings perform individual tasks most of the time, sometimes they need to do things together. That’s where multi-agent activities come in, such as playing games or watching TV. You know, important stuff.
- There’s been another uniform preview post that offers a look at greenhouse worker and warehouse worker uniforms.
- Finally, there are a couple of amusing bug posts shared by the devs. The first is all about a duck that Seedlings really wanted to be friends with, and another is about a yoga routine that goes from chill to hyper-aggressive in about three seconds flat.