Hearing the frustration of World of Warcraft Classic players unable to find timely battleground matches, Blizzard is doing the previously unthinkable: It’s allowing the game to make same-faction PvP matches.
Starting today, WoW’s matchmaker system will initially try to pit an Alliance team against a Horde one in battlegrounds. However, if such a match can’t be made — perhaps due to a factional imbalance on a given server — then the system will switch over to throwing together a same-faction battle. This will work in every battleground except for Alterac Valley.
This change will be tested for a week with a period of evaluation to follow. And if you’re wondering how this might further dilute an already flimsy factional system, well, here’s the justification: “We’ve been thinking of these like military training exercises, and to help get that feeling across in-game, we’re testing putting masks and tabards on the team playing out of the enemy faction’s base.”
It’s all good! You’re wearing a pretend mask!