It’s not always sunny in Ethyrial: Echoes of Yore. Namely because the game now has a day/night cycle, but also because the devs introduced a weather system and they would like you to know that putting it in the game was really hard work, you guys.
The developer’s blog admits that Ethyrial’s weather system is a piece of third-party tech, though implementing it into the game wasn’t exactly a matter of simply dropping it into the game’s code. For one, the system had to work in a networked game, and for another thing, the system required a lot of reworking for the game’s shaders to handle things like snow and rain, which further lead to the devs having to work out which ground tiles were indoors and outdoors (since snow piling up in a living room is kind of immersion breaking).
On the subject of immersion, the weather system right now affects shaders and ground tiles, but future updates will see the weather affect things like trees, rocks, and other static objects. You can get a glimpse of the current weather system’s implementation in the video below.