As promised, Atoraxxion has rolled out to Black Desert’s PC and console versions today. What’s Atoraxxion? Why, it’s the game’s first-ever traditional co-up dungeon. And when they call it a “party dungeon,” well, it’s true on a technicality – but not nearly as festive as the term sounds!
“Atoraxxion, the last stronghold, requires five Adventurers to work together to defeat the enemies and conquer the dungeon – creating a new experience for Black Desert players,” Pearl Abyss says. “The highly-anticipated PvE dungeon is divided into four themed territories: desert, ocean, canyon, and forest. Vahmalkea, the desert fortress, is first to be released and available now.” Expect a storyline with voiceover, puzzle content with “classic RPG appeal,” battle strategery, and all the concomitant loot.
“Atoraxxion Vahmalkea is mostly open world zones. This means that Adventurers will be able to see and interact with other Adventurers that enter Atoraxxion on the same server. The final boss, ‘Apex Lucretia’, will be in an instanced zone. This will allow Adventurers to focus their efforts in defeating the boss together.”
Do note that players will need to be level 57+ and have finished the requisite questlines first.
Black Desert Mobile, we note, isn’t getting this exact update today, but it did add new content for the Ancient Ruins, primal lightstones, world bosses, the Karkea Arena, and class balancing.