So, how is Bless Unleashed doing since its PC launch earlier this month? Well, apparently, as it’s now claiming 1M downloads on PC alone.
“Neowiz and Round8 Studio are thrilled to announce that Bless Unleashed has already seen over one million downloads on PC. Since the game’s August 6th launch on Valve’s Steam platform, the MMORPG has seen over 75,000 concurrent players regularly – making it one of Steam’s most-played games.”
Is that how many people are playing it? Eh, probably not, else they’d say so, but we do know from Steam Charts that 71,661 were playing concurrently just a few minutes ago, not far off from the 76,000 peak – pretty dang good.
There was another little patch applied to the PC version of Bless Unleashed yesterday, which apparently was used to plug up a couple of bug-shaped holes in the game. Specifically, the patch addresses a bug where players would receive Lumena item twice at a certain stage when receiving loyalty rewards, and squashed a couple of Priest bugs related to certain skills not working correctly.
This patch was an additional update made outside of regular maintenance, so the devs at Round 8 Studio felt that players should receive some compensation for the inconvenience: elixers, scrolls, and 50,000 gold to be precise. These goodies will be handed out once per account, so make sure you specify the character you want to get those riches.