Do you remember The Exiled? What about Das Tal, its original name? If you answered yes to either question, congratulations, you remember a PvP-centered MMO that was at one point highly anticipated before it came out. The game has been pretty quiet since release and some accompanying struggles with the player count, and the last time we looked at it was in 2018 when we noted that players were already calling the game functionally dead.
Here’s the good news: The game is not dead insofar as you can still log in and play it. But the subsequent years have not been kind to anyone who wanted to see the fundamental state of the game advance or improve over time.
A post on the game’s Steam forum from lead developer Alexander Zacherl essentially states that the entire development team would love to bring the game back and revitalize it, but at this point the most that can be done is to keep the servers operating while everyone works at other projects. Zacherl’s own Twitter bio shows that he’s currently working at DeepMind, an AI research company. He also states that the team is still looking into ways to revive the game, but for various undisclosed reasons, none of them has ever panned out.
So the game’s servers limp along, and fans can still enjoy the game. But it seems like the ultimate fate of the title is to have that be as far as it goes, with the servers still operating but no hope of new updates or patches. Our condolences to both the development team and the players.