During a MOP Podcast back in August, our own Justin noted that he’d lost interest in the Lord of the Rings Online Treebeard server because of the time commitment. Treebeard, you’ll recall, is a server that’s set up so that players level quite slowly and the patch rollout is slow too, such that it’ll take five or six years to catch up to the core game right now. This is definitely something some folks want, so I’m not sorry it is exists, but at the same time, that’s a heckuva long commitment to one game. As Justin put it, he doesn’t really want to commit years upon years to a single game, especially a game that he can see in all its glory on a regular server right now.
I hadn’t really thought about this too hard before; I tend to just jump into MMOs and see where they take me without feeling too much obligation or commitment to them long-term. But other folks probably do, especially achievers who don’t really want to start a game they aren’t going to finish. How long a commitment are you willing to make to an MMORPG?