Back in August, we covered a newly unveiled time-travel MMORPG called Into the Echo. Canada-based ETLOK Studios pitched the game as one with “traditional mechanics of resource collection, crafting, puzzle-solving and combat to build next generation social experiences” as well as “a launching pad for next generation social interactions where each player has a unique identity and purpose that makes them want to inhabit the universe rather than just experience it.” As we noted at the time, the game seemed extremely ambitious, but we hadn’t seen plans for launch or even a gameplay video.
Perhaps the studio heard our plea, as this week the team has dropped a teaser video with what appears to be in-game footage, however brief. There are also now signups for a pre-alpha, though it remains unclear when that will be or what precisely you’ll be testing.
“ETLOK Studios are pleased to present the first look at their innovative MMORPG Into the Echo and invite you to sign up for a round of Pre-Alpha testing. Into The Echo is taking the traditional mechanics of resource collection, crafting, puzzle-solving and combat to build next generation social experiences, offering players a chance to build their reputation and find their own unique purpose in this enchantingly realized shared world. Designed for longevity, with an innovative progression system and a commitment to mental wellness in mind, Into the Echo will deliver an MMO experience like no other.”