Most of the time, game-specific newsletters tend to just tell you what you may have already known about recent updates. That’s primarily the case for the latest newsletter coming out of Dual Universe, which looks back at the past content patches that have arrived, namely the Apollo update and the Ares update.
Speaking of those two updates, the devs at Novaquark invited players to submit some questions about the recent additions and features added with Ares and Apollo, answering their questions in an on-camera format. The video with those questions and answers can be seen below after the break.
All of that is well and good, particularly if you’ve not been paying attention to the game’s development, but the final paragraph has a little tidbit for everyone that talks up DU’s upcoming Demeter update, which will include automated mining through the use of mining units players can place on the territories they own as well as a revamp of the Territory Management system. Future details will be shared on the game’s official site as work on Demeter continues.