Lord of the Rings Online’s newest expansion, Fate of Gundabad, looks to be on track to launch next Wednesday, November 10th, bringing new adventures and a level cap increase to Middle-earth adventurers. However, SSG announced yesterday that it’s going to be holding back some of the expansion’s features for a future release.
“The Legendary Item reward track and the two three-person instances in Fate of Gundabad called Den of Pughlak and Assault on Dhurstrok will be released after the release of Update 31,” SSG posted. “We currently expect to release the Instances in Update 31.0.1. We currently expect the reward track to be released with Update 31.1.”
This is a blow for players struggling to adapt to the new legendary item system, as the studio had been promising that the reward track would greatly help with acquisition of traceries (upgrade components).
Meanwhile, Fate of Gundabad’s Update 30 is on the Bullroarer test server through Friday afternoon with the latest build. Some of the new tweaks include tougher enemy difficulty for higher levels and reducing the amount of allegiance points taken to complete Mordor.