WRUP: Kitty edition


Kitty! Hi kitty! Hello there, kitty! Come here, kitty! I just want to be your friend, kitty. You look like a soft kitty, aren’t you? Yes, there’s a kitty. Yes, bunt my leg. What a good kitty. Hello, kitty. Who’s a kitty? Who’s a good kitty? Do you want to come home with me? Yes, I bet you do, kitty? Do you like having your soft tummy rubbed, kitty? Oh, look who’s a purring kitty!

Anyway, your honor, that’s basically how I wound up with the bobcat. You could argue that I had no right to keep a wild animal in my home, but I would first hasten to point out that if this kitty didn’t want to be a good kitty this kitty wouldn’t be a bunting little fur baby. Yes, I brought my kitty to court. He’s a good kitty! Such a good kitty.

In summary, What Are You Playing. Kitty.

Bonus question: Were there any magazines you subscribed to when those were a more common way of getting content? Are there any you still read regularly?

Andrew Ross (@dengarsw): Pokemon Go and Animal Crossing will get some love, but I’ll also do some Jackbox games and other party games with some people I know before the holidays makes everyone crazy/broke/sick.

Bonus Question: I remember being subscribed to a few things, but mostly Nintendo Power (which is discontinued) and Science News Weekly, which I just read online now.

Andy McAdams: I’ll be battling the queue monster and trying to play some Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker. Last weekend I blazed through patches 5.1 – 5.55 and have been very slowly plugging away at Endwalker – though definitely moving slow. Still trying to get my ‘game-legs’ back and decide what class I really want to play.

Bonus Question: I used to have a subscription to PC Gamer and I lived for those demo discs. My parents didn’t get internet at the house until well after I had graduated from college, so those demo discs were the only way I got to learn about and play new games before buying the whole thing.

Ben Griggs (@braxwolf): I’ll certainly be playing some World of Warships with my son. I also started Shadow of War yesterday and that one is going to tempt me as well. Lastly, I might dip into The Elder Scrolls Online a bit to continue working through the latest update.

Bonus: I had a subscription to Beckett’s Baseball Card magazine when I was younger and into baseball. I’m not sure that I really understood what it was when I got it, as a listing of baseball card values didn’t change much from month to month!

Brianna Royce (@nbrianna, blog): It was my goal to get back into Albion Online this week, but circumstances conspired against me. We’ll see. Nothing about this week has gone to plan, and all I really want to do is sleep

I used to have subs to a few… I know I had Computer Games Magazine back in the day. But not in many, many years now.

Carlo Lacsina (@UltraMudkipEX, YouTube, Twitch): I must be going crazy because I’ll be playing League Of Legends on my downtime this weekend. I held off for 12 years but its finally got its claws in me.

The only two subscriptions I had were for Nintendo Power and PC Gamer. I no longer subscribe to either, but I bought two copies of the final Nintendo Power issue, one to read and one to keep for posterity!

Chris Neal (@wolfyseyes, blog): I will continue to do battle with (and lose to) the queue in Final Fantasy XIV, and I have a hankering to dip my face into Albion Online to see what the more pastoral/crafty pursuits are like. I’ve got a hankering to be a supplier for murder hobos.

I used to be subscribed to Nintendo Power for a long while, and then I moved on to a subscription to Electronic Gaming Monthly for a few years. Those were the days when the E3 issues would be nice and chunky and fun.

Eliot Lefebvre (@Eliot_Lefebvre, blog): FFXIV, naturally, interspersed with a couple other things just to keep myself interesting. (And maybe something for review, you know how it is.)

I used to have a subscription to both Popular Science and Nintendo Power. The latter basically sold me on an SNES and I never stopped asking my mom for one. I never got it, though, until I was making my own money and could go out and buy one. She was of the mind that video games were a hollow pursuit. My career now says otherwise.

Sam Kash (@thesamkash): I’ll be trying something new this week with KEO which looks to be a modern day Twisted Metal. That’s the hope for it at least. Hopefully I’ll also be able to get some New World in as well.

Bonus: I never really got into any magazines. I think my grandmother got me a Highlights subscription for a while. Or maybe she just bought me a ton of them. I don’t really remember anymore.

Tyler Edwards (blog): I’ve got a D&D game, I’m doing another playthrough of Road 96, and I was thinking of checking out Godfall Challenger Edition.

Bonus question: I don’t think we ever had a formal subscription, but when I was a kid my father used to get me a lot of gaming magazines, especially PC Gamer. Mainly for the demo discs. Gods I miss those.

Every Saturday, join the Massively OP community and staff for What Are You Playing, our roundup of what MMORPGs and other games we’re hoping to play this weekend (with a bonus question or two for our amusement). Tell us what you’re up to! Go off-topic! And don’t forget to have fun!
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