Kitty! Hi kitty! Hello there, kitty! Come here, kitty! I just want to be your friend, kitty. You look like a soft kitty, aren’t you? Yes, there’s a kitty. Yes, bunt my leg. What a good kitty. Hello, kitty. Who’s a kitty? Who’s a good kitty? Do you want to come home with me? Yes, I bet you do, kitty? Do you like having your soft tummy rubbed, kitty? Oh, look who’s a purring kitty!
Anyway, your honor, that’s basically how I wound up with the bobcat. You could argue that I had no right to keep a wild animal in my home, but I would first hasten to point out that if this kitty didn’t want to be a good kitty this kitty wouldn’t be a bunting little fur baby. Yes, I brought my kitty to court. He’s a good kitty! Such a good kitty.
In summary, What Are You Playing. Kitty.
Bonus question: Were there any magazines you subscribed to when those were a more common way of getting content? Are there any you still read regularly?
Andrew Ross (@dengarsw): Pokemon Go and Animal Crossing will get some love, but I’ll also do some Jackbox games and other party games with some people I know before the holidays makes everyone crazy/broke/sick.
Bonus Question: I remember being subscribed to a few things, but mostly Nintendo Power (which is discontinued) and Science News Weekly, which I just read online now.
Andy McAdams: I’ll be battling the queue monster and trying to play some Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker. Last weekend I blazed through patches 5.1 – 5.55 and have been very slowly plugging away at Endwalker – though definitely moving slow. Still trying to get my ‘game-legs’ back and decide what class I really want to play.
Bonus Question: I used to have a subscription to PC Gamer and I lived for those demo discs. My parents didn’t get internet at the house until well after I had graduated from college, so those demo discs were the only way I got to learn about and play new games before buying the whole thing.
Ben Griggs (@braxwolf): I’ll certainly be playing some World of Warships with my son. I also started Shadow of War yesterday and that one is going to tempt me as well. Lastly, I might dip into The Elder Scrolls Online a bit to continue working through the latest update.
Bonus: I had a subscription to Beckett’s Baseball Card magazine when I was younger and into baseball. I’m not sure that I really understood what it was when I got it, as a listing of baseball card values didn’t change much from month to month!
Brianna Royce (@nbrianna, blog): It was my goal to get back into Albion Online this week, but circumstances conspired against me. We’ll see. Nothing about this week has gone to plan, and all I really want to do is sleep
I used to have subs to a few… I know I had Computer Games Magazine back in the day. But not in many, many years now.
Carlo Lacsina (@UltraMudkipEX, YouTube, Twitch): I must be going crazy because I’ll be playing League Of Legends on my downtime this weekend. I held off for 12 years but its finally got its claws in me.
The only two subscriptions I had were for Nintendo Power and PC Gamer. I no longer subscribe to either, but I bought two copies of the final Nintendo Power issue, one to read and one to keep for posterity!
Chris Neal (@wolfyseyes, blog): I will continue to do battle with (and lose to) the queue in Final Fantasy XIV, and I have a hankering to dip my face into Albion Online to see what the more pastoral/crafty pursuits are like. I’ve got a hankering to be a supplier for murder hobos.
I used to be subscribed to Nintendo Power for a long while, and then I moved on to a subscription to Electronic Gaming Monthly for a few years. Those were the days when the E3 issues would be nice and chunky and fun.
Eliot Lefebvre (@Eliot_Lefebvre, blog): FFXIV, naturally, interspersed with a couple other things just to keep myself interesting. (And maybe something for review, you know how it is.)
I used to have a subscription to both Popular Science and Nintendo Power. The latter basically sold me on an SNES and I never stopped asking my mom for one. I never got it, though, until I was making my own money and could go out and buy one. She was of the mind that video games were a hollow pursuit. My career now says otherwise.
Sam Kash (@thesamkash): I’ll be trying something new this week with KEO which looks to be a modern day Twisted Metal. That’s the hope for it at least. Hopefully I’ll also be able to get some New World in as well.
Bonus: I never really got into any magazines. I think my grandmother got me a Highlights subscription for a while. Or maybe she just bought me a ton of them. I don’t really remember anymore.
Tyler Edwards (blog): I’ve got a D&D game, I’m doing another playthrough of Road 96, and I was thinking of checking out Godfall Challenger Edition.
Bonus question: I don’t think we ever had a formal subscription, but when I was a kid my father used to get me a lot of gaming magazines, especially PC Gamer. Mainly for the demo discs. Gods I miss those.