Zenith, one of the very few VR MMORPGs out there, was made with the Unity engine, and the company behind the engine appears to be keen on highlighting dev studios that use it. Thus begins a video series launched by Unity known as The Game Changers, and the very first episode highlights Zenith developer RamenVR.
The video gives the stage to the developers as they talk about the inspiration for Zenith, their favorite parts of the development process, how they build environments to encourage and incorporate climbing and gliding, their hopes for the game and its community, and (of course) how Unity’s tools helps a team of RamenVR’s size put together an MMO in VR.
It’s not a particularly insightful look into the game’s creation, but it at least provides a little context for how this unique little game came together through the efforts of a small team. And with Unity™©.
Yes, it’s true! MassivelyOP is now Massively Overpawered, bringing you all the important MMO news you could ask for along with cute animal videos that have nothing to do with the news! Well, some of them might have something to do with it. MMOs add cute pets sometimes. The important thing is gawking at cute videos! Let’s focus on that instead of getting bogged down in details.