Remember when having Habbo Hotel owner Sulake selling off Habbo-based NFTs seemed just like it was pointlessly destructive grifting from an isolated unscrupulous developer? Good times. Unfortunately, the grift has evolved, and Sulake isn’t about to lose out on the potential for more exploitation with the announcement of Habbo X, a spinoff version that leans all in on concepts like Web3, NFTs, and play-to-earn.
Notably missing in the announcement of Habbo X are any details of how these systems are meant to integrate, how the game will realize its goals of being a fully crypto-built metaverse platform, or how players will earn money, much less any incentive for doing so. In fact, right now all that’s available is the promise that it will be launching later this year and that it will be the newest iteration of the game since the localized Turkish version in 2012. Still, if you were hoping that Sulake was getting off the NFT bandwagon, we’re sorry to inform you that quite the opposite has happened.