The development of Embers Adrift continues to move forward as illustrated by this week’s latest beta test update bulletin, which offers up a long list of bug fixes applied to the sandbox’s beta build and outlines a number of features in the works, like four new zones, connection of dungeon “veins,” implementation of high-level abilities, and custom bears and elk.
Some of the major features currently in the works revolve around crafting updates that add consumables like sharpening stones for weapons and padding for armor to add temporary buffs for gear; continued work on consolidating stats, damage types, and related damage resistances; and the introduction of an ember stone that gains ember essence through adventuring, which in turn can be used to upgrade reagent items. Other ideas for application of this ember essence include creating a summoning stone, a buff aura, and a hearthstone-like effect, though these are all noted as considerations and not confirmed plans.
Another major update shared by the game is a switch to a new build of the Unity engine. This tech upgrade will allow for a new skybox, decal fixes, apple silicon support, and more performance tweaks. All of these features are due to arrive shortly, with the skybox being noted as a first priority.
Speaking of weekly updates, the game’s latest developer broadcast reads the above notes, calls attention to focused discussion threads about darkness mechanics and weighing the value of dropped gear versus crafted gear, and offers some streamer footage during the game’s recent world breaker event (which didn’t break the world).