Those looking to drive fast cars around an open world landscape without being degenerate criminals have had The Crew 2 to enjoy these past four years. Ubisoft’s multiplayer race game released back in May 2018 to middling reviews but initial strong performance.
The title has, however, dropped off our radar in the past couple of years, so it’s time to catch back up with the driver simulator. It’s a perfect time for this, too, as The Crew 2 recently celebrated its 4th anniversary and is bringing a content release this month containing frame rate improvements on console, better handling, color grading, leather modifications, and a cross-promotion with race car driver Chris Forsberg.
“After four years and more than 12 major updates deployed, The Crew 2 is still welcoming a lot of new players, and a few months ago we reached the amazing milestone of 30 million players on The Crew and The Crew 2 combined,” Ubisoft reported. The studio said that the game now has more than 500 playable vehicles.