Fashion your fanciest tinfoil hats and put on your spectacles of assumption because we’ve got some trademark filing news to chew on. Daybreak Games put in a trademark filing last week with the US Patent and Trademark Office, attempting to lock down the trademark rights to something called Myths and Monoliths.
Naturally, details on just what this title is about aren’t elaborated upon – it’s a trademark filing and not a press announcement – but the filing does specifically call out that this trademark is for a “multiplayer, role playing, real-time computer and video game” and will feature online multiplayer of some sort.
Whether this filing is for an entirely new IP or some expansion for Daybreak’s suite of existing MMORPGs is hard to say, and we do want to point out that more details about just what Myths and Monoliths will end up being are likely years away from being detailed. Still, there is some food for thought to be had here.